Alexandre Dumas
Este ebook presenta "El conde de Montecristo ", con un sumario dinámico y detallado.
El conde de Montecristo es una novela de de aventuras de Alexandre Dumas padre y Auguste Maquet. El libro se terminó de escribir en 1844, y fue publicado en una serie de 18 partes durante los dos años siguientes.
La historia tiene lugar en Francia, Italia y varias islas del Mediterráneo durante los hechos históricos de 1814–1838 (de los
...Can't get enough true crime? Love to hate history's miscreants? Dive into a juicy slice of early modern history with this gripping account of the life of Ali Pacha, a "remorseless tyrant" who ruled over part of the Ottoman Empire with an iron fist. This account of Pacha's many transgressions will enthrall and appall even longtime fans of the true crime genre.
Learn more about some of the most infamous criminals ever to walk the earth in this massive compilation from one of the foremost writers of historical fiction, Alexandre Dumas. In often-chilling detail, Dumas recounts murders, heists, and all manner of malfeasance from centuries of European history.
Il y a un an à peu près, qu'en faisant à la Bibliothèque royale des recherches pour mon histoire de Louis XIV, je tombai par hasard sur les Mémoires de M. d'Artagnan , imprimés, - comme la plus grande partie des ouvrages de cette époque, où les auteurs tenaient à dire la vérité sans aller faire un tour plus ou moins long à la Bastille, - à Amsterdam, chez Pierre Rouge. Le titre me séduisit : je les emportai chez moi, avec la permission
...Known as one of the important early figures in the burgeoning genre of historical fiction, Alexandre Dumas spent much of his life chronicling the social and political unrest that utterly transformed France—and by extension, the rest of the world—in the eighteenth century. This sweeping epic focuses on several parallel plot lines, all leading up to the death by beheading of the king in 1793, marking him with the dubious distinction of
...French author Alexandre Dumas is known for penning many masterpieces of historical fiction, including The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers. The tale The Hero of the People, set in the waning days of the French Revolution, tweaks Dumas' classic formula by adding a little more romance to the equation. With action, adventure, intrigue, and blossoming love, this story truly has something for every reader.
Many of Alexandre Dumas' most beloved works are swashbuckling tales of justice and honor, such as The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo. In the short novel The Sicilian Bandit, Dumas turns the tables and recounts the exploits of a brazen and brilliant crook, Pascal Bruno.
Le lundi, dix-huitième jour du mois d'août 1572, il y avait grande fête au Louvre.
Les fenêtres de la vieille demeure royale, ordinairement si sombres, étaient ardemment éclairées ; les places et les rues attenantes, habituellement si solitaires, dès que neuf heures sonnaient à Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois, étaient, quoiqu'il fût minuit, encombrées de populaire. Tout ce concours menaçant, pressé, bruyant, ressemblait, dans l'obscurité,
Fans of historical fiction will love The Queen's Necklace, Dumas' gripping retelling of the Affair of the Necklace, a suspicious incident of theft in the court of Louis XVI that some experts say set into motion a chain of events that resulted in the eventual downfall of the monarchy.
Le 24 février 1815, la vigie de Notre-Dame de la Garde signala le trois-mâts le Pharaon, venant de Smyrne, Trieste et Naples. Comme d'habitude, un pilote côtier partit aussitôt du port, rasa le château d'If, et alla aborder le navire entre le cap de Morgion et l 'île de Rion.
Celebrated as one of the masters of historical fiction, Alexandre Dumas, pere wrote such masterworks as The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers. His series Celebrated Crimes delved into eight historical capers, transgressions, and scandals. This life of Joan of Naples, the 14th century European monarch whose reign and romances were both famously tumultuous, was one of the most popular volumes of the series.
Set out for a rollicking good time with Alexandre Dumas, the renowned French author who created timeless classics such as The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo. This tale is based loosely on a historical account of a band of highwaymen who fought their way to freedom after being jailed on dubious charges.
One of the most acclaimed writers of historical fiction turns his focus to the French Revolution. Taking the Bastile is one in a series of novels in which Dumas works his unique magic in retelling one of the most volatile periods of social upheaval in European history, weaving the tale of plucky orphan Pitou with the political events that were unfolding on a grand scale.
19) The black tulip
French writer Alexandre Dumas (pere) had a special talent for historical fiction that combines an overarching view of world events with their impacts at the level of the individual. In this true-crime account of German murderer and nationalist martyr Karl-Ludwig Sand, Dumas ratchets up the suspense and connects the dots between one student's descent into political extremism and the criminal act that garnered heated responses from an entire nation.