Gustave Flaubert
Madame Bovary (1856) is the French writer Gustave Flaubert's debut novel. The story focuses on a doctor's wife, Emma Bovary, who has adulterous affairs and lives beyond her means in order to escape the banalities and emptiness of provincial life. Though the basic plot is rather simple, even archetypal, the novel's true art lies in its details and hidden patterns. Flaubert was a notorious perfectionist and claimed always to be searching for
...Sentimental Education, by Gustave Flaubert, is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of Barnes & Noble Classics:
Gustave Flaubert spent his life working on and revising the book he considered his greatest work, before releasing this final version in 1874. Written in a play script form, The Temptation of Saint Anthony describes one night in Anthony the Great's life, in which he is faced with temptation from the supernatural in the desert of Egypt.
In this satirical novel from renowned French author Gustave Flaubert, two Paris-dwelling clerks, François Bouvard and Juste Pécuchet, have a chance encounter one day and instantly become the best of friends. When Bouvard comes into some family money, the two chums decide to pull up stakes and move to the country to pursue a life of intellectual inquiry. But after plowing through much of the world's literature, poetry, and scientific
...The three works in this book are each strikingly different. Death, Satan and Nero (the fifth Roman emperor) converse in a prose poem; a Medieval saint encounters trial and struggle before attaining divinity; the life of a selfless maid in 19th-century France shows the horror of true altruism.
Pendant un demi-Siécle, les bourgeoises de Pont l'Évêque envièrent à Mme Aubain sa servante Félicité.
Pour cent francs par an, elle faisait la cuisine et le ménage, cousait, lavait, repassait, savait brider un cheval, engraisser les volailles, battre le beurre, et resta fidèle à sa maîtresse, - qui cependant n'était pas une personne agréable.
Elle avait épousé un beau garçon sans fortune, mort au commencement de 1809,
7) Herodias
In this gripping novella, French literary master Gustave Flaubert revisits one of the most dramatic events of the Bible and presents his own imaginative spin on the tale. The Herodias of the story's title is a princess who has concocted a devious plan to compel her husband to fall in love with her young daughter from a previous union, Salome. Once Salome has won his heart, Herodias instructs her to request the execution of John the Baptist.
8) Salammbo
With his masterwork Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert blazed new trails in literary realism with a gripping tale of a disenchanted wife entangled in an extramarital affair. After that, Flaubert took a completely different tack and dove into the extensive historical research that would form the basis of the novel Salammbo, an action-packed account of the series of wars that devastated Carthage in the 3rd century BC.
Le 15 septembre 1840, vers six heures du matin, la Ville-de-Montereau , près de partir, fumait à gros tourbillons devant le quai Saint-Bernard.
Des gens arrivaient hors d'haleine ; des barriques, des câbles, des corbeilles de linge gênaient la circulation ; les matelots ne répondaient à personne ; on se heurtait ; les colis montaient entre les deux tambours, et le tapage s'absorbait dans le bruissement de la vapeur, qui, s'échappant