Yuki Midorikawa
Since finding his grandmother's book, Natsume has been hunted, haunted, and almost made into an hors d'oeuvre! He's also met some really wonderful friends, both yokai and human. And now one of them desperately needs his help—but how can Natsume rescue Natori if the exorcist doesn't even know who he is?!...Rated:T Natsume Yujincho © Yuki Midorikawa 2005/HAKUSENSHA, Inc.
A beautiful white dragon has been shedding luminous scales in the skies over the neighborhood, but Natsume has never seen them land. When the mustachioed yokai Chobi breaks his beloved mother-of-pearl comb, Natsume decides one of the rare and lovely scales would make the perfect replacement! His quest to find one, however, ends up uncovering more than expected......Rated:T Natsume Yujincho © Yuki Midorikawa 2005/HAKUSENSHA, Inc.
The mystery of the missing Nyanko Sensei intensifies as Natsume and the prominent exorcists Natori and Matoba encounter a powerful, malevolent ceramic puppet with an appetite for clay kitties. Natsume and the exorcists must work together to bring it down, but how can Natsume team up with someone he doesn't trust?...Rated:T Natsume Yujincho © Yuki Midorikawa 2005/HAKUSENSHA, Inc.
Natsume receives a secondhand invitation to a gathering of antiques dealers and afficionados. The event, however, is no mundane auction, and the guest list is filled with friends and foes alike. When the whole building is locked down after a theft is discovered, Natsume must rally his allies before his enemies make their move!...Rated:T
Tôru Taki can sense but not see yokai. Her gift is a mixed blessing that once got her cursed. Natsume was able to lift the curse, but Taki is still isolated from others. Natsume wants to be happy for her when her brother suddenly returns home from college, but there's something very odd about him. Is Taki's family just weird, or should Natsume be worried for her safety?...
When Natsume and his friend Tanuma help a young woman find her way through the woods, they end up having to take cover from a storm in a mysterious mansion! The shelter comes at a cost though, and the boys are cajoled into joining a séance to summon a yokai. But when a sudden power outage disrupts the ritual, Natsume, Tanuma, and Nyanko Sensei are faced with something far more strange than the errant yokai they were expecting!...Rated:T
Nyanko Sensei hasn't been home in days, and Natsume is starting to get worried. He knows Sensei left in a party mood, but he has no idea where his friend and bodyguard was headed. And now there are rumors of evil spirits from the east heading to the local forest. Will Natsume have to face this threat all on his own?
Rated: T
Natsume meets a kindhearted yokai who has found a ruined letter he desperately needs to read. There is another yokai who has power over paper who might be able to help him. But this yokai's name is sealed in the Book of Friends... Will it be willing to help the grandson of the woman who bound it?! Rated: T
Natsume learns that no good deed goes unpunished when an irate yokai accuses him of stealing her ring when she came to the Fujiwara house to get her name returned. Natsume thinks he knows where the ring has disappeared to, but can he find it in time, or will the place he's come to think of as home be destroyed by the vengeful yokai?! Rated: T
Nyanko Sensei is recovering after being wounded in the last yokai incident, so Takashi is on his own when he accidentally releases a yokai right before the school festival. With new friends and his ever-strengthening relationship with the Fujiwaras, Takashi has more reasons than ever to keep the supernatural at bay. But does he stand a chance without Nyanko Sensei's power to back him up? Rated: T
Natsume and his friends are visiting an old inn to see a yokai exhibition, but a sudden storm extends their visit into an overnight stay. All should be well, since the inn has a charmed door curtain that welcomes good spirits and keeps out evil. But tonight of all nights, they forget to put it out! Can Natsume and his friends protect the inn without endangering the friendly local yokai?!
Rated: T
Natsume's human friend Taki can only see yokai if they walk through one of her spell circles. Although many yokai see her spells as aggressive traps, putting her at risk of their retaliation, the latest yokai to pass through her circle may have something other than revenge in his heart. But is that any better...? Rated: T
Nyanko Sensei is missing, and the only clue to his whereabouts is a shard of pottery painted with calico markings! Following the urgings of a dream sent by the shard, Natsume travels to a local kiln and finds that there's far more going on than just a lost kitty yokai....
Natsume and Tanuma are spending a rainy day helping Taki clean up a storehouse full of her grandfather's stuff. But old clothes and books aren't the only things sealed away. The friends accidentally release a very angry yokai. Is teamwork enough to stop the yokai from going on a rampage?! Rated: T
A local exorcist has passed away, leaving behind a study packed with a lifetime of important yokai research. But his family are normal and don't know where he's hidden his workroom. Now all the exorcists in the area are on the hunt for the mysterious library. But Natsume can't decide what is more dangerous—letting the other exorcists find the collection, or discovering it himself! Rated: T
Someone is attacking yokai and stealing their blood, and Takashi is dismayed to discover that the assailant is human! The more he investigates the attacks, the more danger he finds himself in as he digs deeper into the occult world of the exorcists. Someone is planning something horrible, and even the help of Natori—actor and exorcist extraordinaire—might not be enough to save the yokai...or Takashi! Rated: T
Many of Natsume's problems with the local yokai stem from his grandmother, Reiko. When she was his age, she went around challenging yokai, and when she won she sealed their names in her Book of Friends. But lately Natsume has been learning that Reiko was more than just a cruel conqueror. Will he ever know the full truth about his grandmother, and will yokai be the ones to help him discover it? Rated: T
Natori summons Natsume to help him with an odd exorcism case. A retired exorcist can no longer see yokai, even the ones who are his servants, and strange things have started happening at his house. Are his bound yokai trying to kill him to release themselves from their contract? Rated: T
Can yokai and humans ever really be friends? Natsume meets a yokai who is trying to let go of his feelings for a human for both their sakes. But Natsume isn't sure that kind of sacrifice is necessary. Can he help, or will his meddling only make their parting harder to bear? Rated: T
Takashi rescues a young boy named Kai from an abandoned house, where he had been locked in a box. But this isn't just a case of bullying gone too far. Kai has been complaining about being chased by ghosts. Does he see yokai too, or is there something darker going on? Rated: T