John Stuart Mill
Utilitarianism is philosopher John Stuart Mill's defense and advocacy of utilitarian ethics. First appearing in three magazine articles, this essay was first gathered into a single book in 1863. While Mill discusses utilitarian ethical principles in some of his other writings such as On Liberty and The Subjection of Women, Utilitarianism is Mill's only major discussion of the theory's fundamental grounds.
John Stuart Mill's 1869 essay The Subjection of Women argues for equality between the sexes, putting forward ideas that were an affront to many at the time. His wife, Harriet Taylor Mill, is credited with co-authoring the essay. The Subjection of Women puts forward a detailed and passionate opposition to the social and legal inequalities imposed on women by society. Mill saw that he was going against the grain of the time, but argued
...5) On liberty
Discussed and debated from time immemorial, the concept of personal liberty went without codification until the 1859 publication of On Liberty. John Stuart Mill's complete and resolute dedication to the cause of freedom inspired this treatise, an enduring work through which the concept remains well known and studied.
The British economist, philosopher, and ethical theorist's argument does not focus on "the so-called Liberty of the Will…but
The classic liberal philosopher of nineteenth century England, John Stuart Mill, used Considerations on Representative Government to call for reforms to Parliament and voting, calling for proportional representation, the Single Transferable Vote, and the extension of suffrage. Mill was a renowned political theorist and economist, a Member of Parliament, and one of the greatest advocates utilitarianism.
The concept of socialism has gotten a lot of negative press in recent years, but few of those who throw this term around with impunity have a keen understanding of what it actually means. In this volume, renowned political philosopher John Stuart Mill provides an overview and critique of socialism. A must-read for anyone who wants to get to the bottom of today's most heated political debates.
John Stuart Mill (1806 - 1873) was a great liberal thinker of the nineteenth century, a noted philosopher, political theorist, and Member of Parliament. Mill was given a disciplined upbringing, his father deliberately shielding him from other children with the express aim of creating a philosophical genius to carry the mantle of utilitarianism, an ethical theory developed by Jeremy Bentham and in which Mill went on to develop his own conception.