Yogi Ramacharaka
'Yogi Ramacharaka' was the pen name of William Walker Atkinson, an American attorney, businessman, and author who was instrumental in introducing the concepts of yoga to the West in the nineteenth century. For many in the era, this comprehensive text served as the first introduction to yoga philosophy and practice. The branch of inquiry that Atkinson terms "Gnani" yoga deals with metaphysical questions about the universe and the significance of
...Mystic Christianity was written by William Walker Atkinson, under the pseudonym Yogi Ramacharaka. His 1906 book Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World, is associated with the thinking behind the recent phenomena surrounding the 2006 movie, The Secret. Running throughout nearly all of the teachings and messages of Jesus, is to be found the constant Mystic Message regarding the existence of the Spirit
...The Science of Breath points out the way to physical health along the lines of what Western scientists have termed "deep breathing," etc., but also goes into the less known phases of the subject, and shows how the Hindu Yogi controls his body, increasing his mental capacity, and develops the spiritual side of his nature by the "Science of Breath." By rhythmical breathing one may bring himself into harmonious vibration with nature, and aid
...'Yogi Ramacharaka' was the pen name of William Walker Atkinson, an American attorney, businessman, and author who was instrumental in introducing the concepts of yoga to the West in the nineteenth century. "Raja" yoga is the branch of the practice that addresses the nature of the mind, and imparts techniques to help better manage and control one's mind through meditation and other methods. Yoga enthusiasts and those interested in the spread of