Mary Shelley
2) Frankenstein
Este ebook presenta "Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo ", con un sumario dinámico y detallado.
Es una obra literaria de Mary Shelley, publicada en 1818. La novela narra la historia de Víctor Frankenstein, un joven suizo, estudiante de medicina en Ingolstadt, obsesionado por conocer "los secretos del cielo y la tierra". En su afán por desentrañar "la misteriosa alma del hombre", Víctor crea un cuerpo a partir de la unión de distintas
...4) Frankenstein
5) Frankenstein
For the first time we can hear Mary’s sole voice, which is colloquial, fast-paced, and sounds more modern to a contemporary reader. We can also see for the first time the extent...
7) The Last Man
Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, wrote the apocalyptic novel The Last Man in 1826. Its first person narrative tells the story of our world standing at the end of the twenty-first century and - after the devastating effects of a plague - at the end of humanity. In the book Shelley writes of weaving this story from a discovery of prophetic writings uncovered in a cave near Naples. The Last Man was made into a 2008 film.
8) Mathilda
9) Frankenstein
Dr. Frankenstein learns the secret to giving life to inanimate matter
To test his theories, he collects bones from the tombs to construct a "human" being, and then gives it life. The creature, endowed with supernatural size and strength, is revolting to look at, and frightens all who see it. Lonely and miserable, it comes to hate its creator. This tale of terror has been a world favorite since it was first published in 1818. Mary Shelley's original