Yoshihiro Togashi
The Four Beasts
They call themselves the Black Book Club: a consortium of billionaires who gained their wealth and power by dealing with evil demons. One of them has kidnapped a beautiful ice spirit named Yukina, tormenting her for the sake of her priceless crystal tears. Can the law-abiding entities of the Underworld tolerate this depravity? Of course not! That\'s why Yusuke, teenage delinquent and part-time Underworld Detective, has been dispatched
...The Big Showdown!
When Kuwabara learns the truth about Genkai's demise, he takes the news hard, wondering why Yusuke waited so long to tell him. Then the elder Toguro reappears and taunts the team about Genkai's death! It's not a good idea to tease those experiencing great sorrow—a lesson the elder Toguro quickly learns, but not from the one you'd expect to teach him.Then it's the match you've all been waiting for—Yusuke vs. younger
...The Blood-Slaver Nodes
Dr. Ichigaki's ultimate biological weapons are in the ring, but Team Urameshi is suddenly having a severe attack of conscience. After Kuwabara's enlightening reverie about how Dr. Ichigaki implanted blood-slaver nodes in the brains of Master Mitamura's martial-arts students, Yusuke and company just don't have the heart to conduct their demon-slaying business as usual. Meanwhile, the Shadow Channelers—the ninjas of
...The Saga Comes To An End!
The final volume of Yoshihiro Togashi's legendary fighting manga!The tournament to decide the ruler of the Demon Plane reaches its final rounds and you won't believe who comes out on top. But Yusuke and the gang still have a few loose ends to tie up, as they have to make sure the denizens of the Underworld don't get too far out of line. Later, everyone heads out to the countryside to hear a final message from Genkai.
...The Four Beasts
Yusuke Urameshi was just another street punk until he died in an unexpected act of self-sacrifice...and came back. Now he's the Underworld's official supernatural detective, charged with keeping the peace between the mortal and immortal realms.That peace has been shattered. A gang of demons called the Four Beasts is infecting humanity with a swarm of nasty supernatural brain bugs. The only way to control the bugs is with an enchanted
...A Bloody Past!
With the Dark Tournament far behind them, the gang is in a whole new mess! Someone is trying to pick up where Sakyo's dream of opening a portal from the demon plane into the human world left off. Already, energy from their evil world is seeping through. The group heads to Swarm City and finds the place crawling with nasty insects only those with a developed sixth sense can see. Yusuke and friends wind up in the hospital, hot on
...Full Power One Last Time!
This is it folks—the conclusion of the long and deadly Dark Tournament. But don't worry—there's lots more to come because a new adventure starts with this volume! After the Dark Tournament ends, Yusuke and friends come home for a much deserved rest. The vacation is cut short when Yusuke is taken hostage by three classmates who have recently gained strange powers. It's up to Kuwabara and friends to try to
...After the epic struggle to close the tunnel to the demon plane, Yusuke and the gang take some hard-earned time off. It's still a busy year, and Hiei and Kurama both spend time training and taking care of some loose ends from their pasts. Meanwhile, Yusuke trains with Raizen and ends up in charge of the old demon's domain!The other kings of the underworld won't stand for this state of affairs for long, so Yusuke proposes a new tournament, and the
...Heir Apparent
After Yusuke Urameshi grounds a "flighty" Jin for good, Team Urameshi should be one step closer to victory. But thanks (more like no thanks) to a pervading conspiracy among the organizers of the Dark Tournament, Team Urameshi's plate is wiped clean of soldiers left to fight in the twisted event.Meanwhile, Genkai formally reveals herself to Yusuke and gives him the final test to be the sole heir to her formidable technique—a
...A few weeks ago, Yusuke Urameshi was the toughest 8th-grader in his junior high; now, he's taking the toughest test of his life, the test to see if he will come back to life or stay a wandering spirit forever! Until he passes the test, his body is in a coma, and he can only come back to life one day a month. But Yusuke and his spirit guide, Botan, are in for a lot more than they bargained for as evil curses, bullies, and the ghost of a scary little
...Yusuke Urameshi is back! When the teenage delinquent surprised the Underworld by dying heroically, he was given a chance—just one—to return to life. Now, having passed his trials in the spirit world, Yusuke is back in his body and ready to reclaim his turf from the other street punks. But for someone who's been to Hell and back, a normal life on the streets is no longer possible. Yusuke picked up some otherworldly powers while he was
...Into the Demon Plane!!
Itsuki locks the others away in a separate dimension so Yusuke and Sensui can fight undisturbed. Under intense pressure, Sensui's real personality, suppressed for so long, starts to come out. Then Koenma shows up and things really start to get hot, forcing Yusuke to resort to desperate measures to draw their enemies out.Kuwabara and the rest of the crew escape Itsuki's clutches and plunge into the Demon Plane after Sensui.
Yusuke and the gang finally face off against Sensui in a final battle to defeat him and close the portal to the demon plane. The furious exchange of devastating punches and reigun blasts pushes both Sensui and Yusuke beyond the limits, setting off a transformation that no one, least of all Yusuke, ever expected!As things wind down from the battle, it's time to tie up a few loose ends. Then just when it looks like Yusuke might get some
...The Main Event: Team Urameshi vs. Team Toguro!
The Dark Tournament is finally down to the wire. After a long trail of brutal bloodshed, the stage has been set for the ultimate showdown between Team Urameshi and Team Toguro. And now that Kurama can transform into a fox demon at will by drinking the potion from the Seed of De-Incarnation—a lovely parting gift from Suzuki, The Beautiful Fighter—his ferocious plants have been given a
...Fairy Tales Don't Come TrueTeam Urameshi's successful campaign in the Dark Tournament continues after Fox Demon Kurama makes an honest monster out of Reverse Urashima. Too bad Reverse Urashima's fellow Fractured Fairy Tale Shishiwakamaru silences him before he could divulge the truth about their team.Meanwhile, Team Urameshi suffers the biggest blow when one member bids them adieu...for good! Rated: T
Yusuku Urameshi was a tough teen delinquent until one selfless act changed his life...by ending it. When he died saving a little kid from a speeding car, the afterlife didn't know what to do with him, so it gave him a second chance at life. Now, Yusuke is a ghost with a mission, performing good deeds at the beshest of Botan, the spirit guide of the dead, and Koenma, her pacifier-sucking boss from the "other side." But what strange things await
...Showdown at the Eleventh Hour
Kuwabara's been kidnapped! Unbeknownst to anyone—especially him—his aura sword is so powerful it can actually cut holes between dimensions, which is exactly what his kidnapper Sensui is after. But Yusuke's not giving up so easily and sets off in pursuit on a bicycle. Then Yusuke and his old friends and new allies are put to the test when they battle a bratty little kid in a deadly video game contest!
...The legendary exorcist Genkai is about to pass on her explosive demon-smiting techniques to one student—and only one. Trouble is, one of the people battling for the honor is a demon in disguise: the sadistic Rando, who'd just love to turn Genkai's power against innocent humans... unless Yusuke can defeat him! Then, Yusuke and Kuwabara must stop a quartet of demonic criminals from plotting a supremely sinister attack on the mortal world. At
...Hiei and Kurama: A Tale of Friendship
Engulfed in the Dark Tournament's sinister spirit of victory (more like survival), Team Urameshi's Hiei and Kurama dig deep into their arsenals to battle the vicious henchmen of Jolly Devil Six. It's Kurama vs. Loto and Hiei vs. Zeru, and the rules do include playing dirty. Meanwhile, Kuwabara experiences an enigmatic reverie about the members of Dr. Ichigaki's team, a group of martial arts students who enlisted