1) Hellenica
Xenophon was a Greek soldier who played a key role in several military skirmishes and attacks throughout his life. Later in his life, he began to write down his recollections of these battles and other key political and cultural events, thus becoming one of ancient Greece's most important historians. Hellenica offers Xenophon's first-hand account of many events in the Peloponnesian War. It is the only surviving account of the final years
...The Greek philosopher Socrates was accused of and ultimately put to death for impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens. This extraordinary volume from his friend and follower Xenophon offers a spirited defense of the philosopher, including a summary of Socrates' own closing argument to the court.
One of the greatest and most influential thinkers in human history, Greek philosopher Socrates was ultimately sentenced to death after being convicted of impiety and corrupting the minds of Athens' youth. However, rather than shirking his death sentence, Socrates emphatically embraced it. In The Apology, Socrates' student Xenophon explains why his prominent teacher chose what some would consider an ignominious end.
Though he may be best remembered as a close friend and follower of Socrates who recorded many of the philosopher's views for posterity, Xenophon was a significant figure in his own right, especially as a soldier and civic leader. After Athens was defeated in the Peloponnesian War, the once-affluent city was drifting toward insolvency. Xenophon wrote On Revenues to circulate his proposals for generating more funds for the beleaguered community.
...On Horsemanship is a treatise on horsemanship. Written c. 350 BC it is one of the oldest such in existence. Xenophon details the best qualities to look for in a horse, and the non-abusive training of a horse in classical dressage and for military and general use. He quotes other, apparently more celebrated contemporaries of his, whose texts have since been lost, particularly a man named only "Simon".
Ancient Greek historian and soldier Xenophon was a friend, admirer, and avid follower of the philosopher Socrates, perhaps the single most influential thinker of the period. As the two spent a great deal of time together, often deep in dialogue, Xenophon became one of the chief chroniclers of Socrates' philosophical views. This volume collects a number of Socrates' opinions on a variety of topics, as well as Xenophon's explanations and analysis.