Fumi Yoshinaga
The new government of Japan is determined to not only end the reign of the shoguns but erase any mention of the generations of women who once ruled the country. Try as they might to rewrite history, though, they cannot erase the memories of those who served in the Ōoku......Rated:M Ôoku © Fumi Yoshinaga 2005/HAKUSENSHA, Inc.
The tale told in the Chronicle of the Dying Day continues as the young female shogun Iemitsu tries desperately to conceive a male heir. But her lover Arikoto seems unable to give her a child, and they must betray their hearts to save their country. Meanwhile, the Redface Pox continues its ruthless progress through Japan, leaving famine, despair, and the threat of anarchy in its wake. Rated: M
Yoshimune has secured her place in history as a cunning and capable ruler, but the time has come for her to officially declare an heir. Many in her court hope she will pass over her oafish older daughter Ieshige in favor of the urbane Munetake. Yoshimune has never been one to bow to convention, but this time the future of her country is at stake! Rated: M
Aonuma and his disciples in Holland studies are closer than ever to finding a way to prevent the spread of the Redface Pox. But even as they work ceaselessly for salvation for their country, shadowy political machinations threaten their endeavors....and their lives! Rated: M
With the death of her monstrous father, Iesada is finally assured that she can have a consort who will survive life in the Inner Chambers. And she is delighted that the new spouse chosen for her is intelligent, kind and considerate of her past trauma. But the consort Taneatsu comes to the court with a past of his own—and an assignment from his liege lord that could pit him against his beloved shogun.
Rated: M
Ienobu's heir is still just a child, and with few official functions to perform, the men of the Inner Chamber find themselves with much time on their hands. Some find ways to make the most of their rare trips outside the palace, while others turn their minds to bloody intrigue... Rated: M
Yoshimune brought many changes to the inner chambers in her time as shogun, and now even after death she brings another: the men of the Inner Chambers must study Western learning and discover a cure for the Redface Pox. For if Japan can't increase the male population, it's only a matter of time before a foreign power discovers their secret and invades! Rated: M
In Edo period Japan, a strange new disease called the Redface Pox has begun to prey on the country's men. Within eighty years of the first outbreak, the male population has fallen by seventy-five percent. Women have taken on all the roles traditionally granted to men, even that of the shogun. The men, precious providers of life, are carefully protected. And the most beautiful of the men are sent to serve in the shogun's Inner Chamber... Rated:
...Young Iemochi's new consort harbors a secret so scandalous that the shogunate must become involved in the deception or risk a further erosion of power. And with the dual threats of foreign incursion and imperial obstruction, Iemochi and her closest advisers have no choice but to play the dangerous new game set before them.
Rated: M
Tokugawa Harusada connived for years to place her son in the shogun's seat, and now she's enjoying holding all the reins of power while Ienari is relegated to breeding duties. But although his mother sees him as nothing but a mindless studhorse, Ienari has been reading The Chronicle of a Dying Day and dreaming of a better future for his country—one free of his mother's increasingly cruel control. Rated: M
Gyokuei, who first arrived at the Inner Chambers as a young novitiate monk, has risen to become one of the shogun Tsunayoshi's advisors. He hopes to protect the shogunate the same way his mentor Arikoto once did. But the numerous intrigues of the Inner Chambers—and the shogun herself—are pushing Gyokuei's patience and cunning to the breaking point. Rated: M
Taneatsu's shogun Iesada has died, but unlike previous bereaved consorts, he has been denied the refuge of taking Buddhist vows. Stuck in the Inner Chambers, he has instead thrown himself into supporting the new shogun, Iemochi. But salacious rumors about the nature of their relationship and the arrival of Iemochi's new consort threaten to make a mockery of his noble intentions!
Rated: M
The aging shogun Tsunayoshi must name an heir, but her senile father is blocking the ascendance of the most likely candidate in favor of a young, untried lord. But politics and the shogun's own unpopularity may soon take the choice out of her hands. Rated: M
After the discovery of the Redface Pox vaccine, the male population of Japan has nearly recovered, and men have become used to being in public life and government again. So as the first female shogun in over 60 years, Iesada has many challenges to overcome, such as an Inner Chamber unused to a woman's needs. But the greatest threat she faces is her own father's unhealthy interest in her...
Rated: M
Curious about why female lords must take on male names, the shogun Yoshimune seeks out the ancient scribe Murase and his archives of the last eighty years of the Inner Chambers—called the Chronicle of the Dying Day. In its pages Yoshimune discovers the coming of the Redface Pox, the death of the last male shogun, and the birth of the new Japan... Rated: M
Despite Iemitsu and Arikoto's best efforts, there is no male heir to take over the shogunate. As the Redface Pox continues to ravage the country, it becomes increasingly clear within Edo Castle that Japan's continued existence relies on overturning the centuries of custom that define it! Rated: M
Ienari is determined to see his country safe from the scourge of the Redface Pox, but his mother's cruel grasp on the reigns of the power of the shogunate means he must act in the shadows to achieve his lofty goals. And now that he has finally convinced the banished Inner Chambers scholars that he is sincere in his aims, perhaps a cure is finally within reach! Rated: M