Foreword by Werner Herzog
Aguirre, the wrath of god
Burden of dreams (directed by Les Blank)
Where the green ants dream
Little Dieter needs to fly
Walking to Werner (directed by Linas Phillips)
Encounters at the end of the world
Bad lieutenant: port of call, New Orleans
My son, my son, what have ye done
At Cannes Film Festival, May 1982
Herzog defies death for his films, May 20, 1984
Herzog finds truth beyond fact, September 29, 1998
A conversation with Werner Herzog, August 28, 2005
"Tell me about the iceberg, tell me about your dreams," July 7, 2008
The ecstasy of the filmmaker Herzog, April 6, 2010
Aguirre, the wrath of god
The enigma of Kaspar Hauser
A letter to Werner Herzog: in praise of rapturous truth, November 17, 2007
Herzog and the forms of madness, July 20, 2008
The great ecstasy of the sculptor Herzog, January 26, 2013
Appendix: Walker Art Center, 1999
Note concerning Herzog's films
Herzog's "Minnesota declaration".