pt. I. Modes. Ch. 1. Epic: Willa Cather and the epic mode
Alexander's bridge and literary epic
O pioneers! and the epic imagination
Ch. 2. Pastoral: The pastoral imagination
Early stories and April twilights
My Antonia: a pastoral of innocence
A lost lady: a pastoral of experience
Ch. 3. Satire: The critical imagination in Willa Cather's short fiction
One of ours: Willa Cather's waste-land novel
The professor's house: "Letting go with the heart."
pt. II. Forms. Ch. 4. Willa Cather's mortal comedy: My mortal enemy: a two-part novella
Death comes for the archbishop: a saint's legend
Shadows on the Rock: a historical novel
pt. III. Themes. Ch. 5. Willa Cather's portrait of the artist:
Newspaper articles and early stories
The troll garden and stories about artists
The song of the lark: a kunstlerroman
Youth and the bright Medusa and "Uncle Valentine"
Ch. 6. The last four books: Art and life
Lucy Gayheart: a dance of death
Sapphira and the slave girl: a winter's tale
The old beauty and others: "Revelation, revaluation."