Wet and happy, or how to hold on to your inspiration / David Binder
An independent view, from MARS / Amy Danis and Mark Johannes
Collaborations between not-for-profit and commercial theatres / Michael David
Other people's money / Susan Quint Gallin
Business as unusual / Kevin McCollum
You never forget your first time / Harriet Newman Leve
For the love of theatre / Daryl Roth
Commercial producer, resident theatre collaborations / Roche Edward Schulfer
From the West End to Broadway / Elizabeth Williams
You can take the agent out of the theatre... / William Craver
The view from here / Jack Tantleff
The center of tension, the physical production / Neil A. Mazzella
Things that have been done to me, confessions of a theatre landlord / Alan Schuster
The road not taken / Mike Isaacson
Financing commercial theatre / Steven Baruch
Disposing of disposable income / Rodger Hess
Developing a theatrical property / George Allison Elmer
I'm not a [insert profession here], but I play one in the theatre / Roger Alan Gindi
The arranged marriage between not-for-profit theatre companies and commercial producers / Jason Baruch
Notes from the trenches of a young (well, under 40) theatrical attorney / Ben Feldman
Too much is not enough, theatrical public relations in the age of the Blackberry[superscript TM] / Adrian Bryan-Brown
Why Broadway is booming / Nancy Coyne
Advertising to producers, advertising to audiences / Jim Edwards
Top billing : theatrical advertising / Barbara Eliran
Passion / Shara Victoria Mendelson.