From the Book - First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition.
Foreword / Peter H. Diamandis
Prologue: Why Yogi Berra was right
Part one: A tour of exponential technologies. Connecting with each other ; Big data ; Robotics ; Nanotechnology and materials science ; 3D printing ; Medicine and neuroscience ; Energy and environmental systems ; Innovations in education ; The future of leisure and recreation ; Financial services innovation ; Safety and security ; The dark side
Part two: What exponential technologies mean for personal finance. The financial plan you need now for the future you're going to have ; Career planning ; College planning ; Protecting your privacy ; The investment strategy you need for the future ; Where you'll live in the future ; A second home ; Long-term care in the future ; Estate planning for the family of the future
Epilogue: Welcome to the greatest time of your life
The other side of money / by Jean Edelman.