From the Book - First American edition.
[Zeus] days I talked with Zeus
[archives] Zeus on parole
[archives] Zeus given light sentence
[personal] Rape is rarely what you think
[surveillance: track and field]
[surveillance: bull kneeling]
[Zeus] / Like These Magazines
[personal] He tracked me down
[transformation: Nemesis]
[archives] The day Zeus came to the safe-house
[Zeus: or, the problem with God]
[closed circuit] Zeus in the electric chair
[surveillance] Zeus under sedation
[surveillance] Zeus hooked up
[transformation: Callisto]
[surveillance] Zeus watching carp
[surveillance] Thunder, immanence
[Daughter of Zeus: Pallas Athena]
[translations from the annals: Ganymede]
Dear Comrade of the boarding house
Ectopic / Yellow Seahorse
In the milk days of your sister
Portrait of our Daughters