From the Book - First American edition.
The birth of a nation. This earth, this realm, c. 600-1066 ; The Conqueror's kingdom ; Five centuries after Bede
The English unleashed. A well good land ; "The world is changed and overthrown" ; Writing the Middle Ages : Shakespeare and lesser historians
The great divide, c. 1500-c. 1700. Reformation ; Revolution ; The civil war and "Whig history"
Making a new world, c. 1660-c. 1815. And all was light ; A free country? ; The rise and fall of the Atlantic nation ; The first industrial nation ; Wars of dreams
The English century. Dickensian England, c. 1815-c. 1850 ; Victorian England ; Imperial England, 1815-1918 ; Englishness in the English century
The new dark age, 1914-1945. The war to end war ; The twenty-year truce ; The edge of the abyss, 1939-1945 ; Memory, history, and myth
An age of decline? Postwar ; England's cultural revolutions ; Storm and stress ; Things can only get better, 1997-c. 2014
The English and their history.