Disc 1. Why conflict management matters ; The adversary system --
Disc 2. Morton Deutsch and the concept of win-win ; Perception, perspective, and punctuation --
Disc 3. Managing multiple and conflicting emotions ; Multiple, complex, and changing goals --
Disc 4. Power-how much we need and how to use it ; conflict styles --
Disc 5. Dysfunctional conflict strategies ; Principled negotiation --
Disc 6. Preparing and arranging to negotiate ; Negotiating conflict resolutions --
Disc 7. Listening in conflict ; Dynamic patterns in close relationships --
Disc 8. Disruptions in close relationships ; How management theories affect conflict --
Disc 9. The nanager's role in dealing with conflict ; Getting professional help with conflict --
Disc 10. Helping others manage conflict ; Moral and cultural conflict --
Disc 11. Managing moral conflict-success stories ; Managing conflict's aftermath --
Disc 12. Teaching our children about conflict ; Conflict management-a success in progress.