From the eBook - First edition.
Praise For Sooner Safer Happier
List of Tables and Figures
Focus on Outcomes: Better Value Sooner Safer Happier
Doing an Agile Transformation
Using Old Ways of Thinking to Apply New Ways of Working
Achieve Big through Small
The Bigger the Capital "T" Transformation, the Bigger the Change Curve
Scaling Agile Before Descaling the Work
Grass Roots Hits a Grass Ceiling
Achieve Big through Small
Scale Agility, Not Agile, Vertically Then Sideways
Optimization over One Way
Leadership Will Make It or Break It
Emergent Mindset with Servant Leadership
Milestone-Driven Predicted Solutions
Optimize for Fast End-to-End Flow
Stop Starting, Start Finishing
Lack of Safety within Safety
Organize Safety by Value Stream
Continuous Attention to Technical Excellence
Going Faster Leads to Going Slower
Misalignment of Teams and Architecture
Continuous Technical Excellence
Architect and Organize for Flow
Smart People and Smart Teams with Robot Friends
Create a Learning Ecosystem
Information and Learning Silos
Applying a Deterministic Approach to an Emergent Domain