Introduction to sales negotiation. Sales negotiation as a discipline
Salespeople suck at negotiating
The devil is discounting : the case for improving sales negotiation skills
Sales negotiation skills are not one-size-fits-all
On winning. Sales negotiation is about winning for your team
Sales negotiation rule one : win first, then negotiate
Timing matters : avoid negotiating red herrings and objections
Four levels of sales negotiation
Sales negotiation strategy : motivation, leverage, and power. MLP strategy
Discovery : the fine art of building your case
Emotional discipline. The seven disruptive emotions
Developing emotional self-control
Relaxed, assertive confidence
Emotional contagion : people respond in kind
Willpower and emotional discipline are finite
The pipe is life : the real secret to emotional discipline
Sales negotiation planning. Be prepared to negotiate
Authority and nonnegotiables
Stakeholder negotiation profiles, negotiation list, BATNA ranking
Developing your give-take playlist
Sales negotiation communication. Seven rules of effective sales negotiation communication
ACED : navigating the four primary stakeholder communication styles
Empathy and outcome : the dual process approach
Seven keys to effective listening
Activating the self-disclosure loop
The DEAL sales conversation framework. A seat at the table
The next chapter and the race to relevance.