From the eBook - First edition.
Introduction. Ugly, bad, and wrong figures
Part I. From data to visualization. Visualizing data: Mapping data onto aesthetics
Coordinate systems and axes
Directory of visualizations
Visualizing distributions: histograms and density plots
Visualizing distributions: empirical cumulative distribution functions and q-q plots
Visualizing distributions at once
Visualizing nested proportions
Visualizing associations among two or more quantitative variables
Visualizing time series and other functions of an independent variable
Visualizing geospatial data
Part II. Principles of figure design. The principle of proportional ink
Handling overlapping points
Common pitfalls of color use
Titles, captions, and tables
Balance the data and the context
Part III. Marcelino's topics. Understanding the most common used image file formats
Choosing the right visualization software
Telling a story and making a point.