Introduction: My so-called writing life
1. FRANKLIN AND OTHER FOUNDERS. Franklin and the art of leadership
2. STATECRAFTERS. McGeorge Bundy, the brightest
Kissinger and the roots of realism
Colin Powell, the good soldier
George Tenet and the instinct to please
3. REAGAN AND GORBACHEV. We meet again
4. THE CLINTONS. Fighting words
5. ALBERT EINSTEIN. Einstein's God
A new way to view science
6. THE AGE OF TECHNOLOGY. In search of the real Bill Gates
The passion of Andrew Grove
Our century and the next one
7. JOURNALISM. Luce's values, then and now
A bold, old idea for saving Journalism
8. INTERLUDE: Woody Allen's heart wants what it wants
9. NEW ORLEANS, MON AMOUR. Green trees
How to bring the magic back
EPILOGUE: The future restored.