Interview with John O'Brien from Interviews with Black Writers (1973)
Interview with Claudia Tate from Black Women Writers at Work (1983)
"Moving towards coexistence": an interview with Ellen Bring from The Animals' Agenda (1988)
"Writing to save my life": an interview with Claudia Dreifus from The Progressive (1989)
"Alice Walker's appeal": an interview with Paula Giddings from Essence (1992)
"Giving birth, finding form: where our books come from": Alice Walker, Jean Shinoda Bolen, and Isabel Allende in conversation from Creative Conversations Series (1993)
"The richness of the very ordinary stuff": a conversation with Jody Hoy (1994)
"My life as myself": a conversation with Tami Simon from Sounds True (1995)
A conversation with Howard Zinn at City Arts & Lectures (1996)
"The world is made of stories": a conversation with Justine Toms and Michael Toms from New Dimensions (1996)
"On finding your bliss": interview with Evelyn C. White from Ms. (1998)
"On the meaning of suffering and the mystery of joy": Alice Walker and Pema Chödr̈ön in conversaton from Sounds True (1998)
"I know what the earth says": interview with William R. Ferris from Southern Cultures (2004)
Alice Walker and Margo Jefferson: a conversation from LIVE from the NYPL (2005)
"Outlaw, renegade, rebel, pagan": interview with Amy Goodman from Democracy Now! (2006)
Alice Walker on Fidel Castro with George Galloway from Fidel Castro Handbook (2006)
A conversation with Marianne Schnall from (2006)
A conversation with David Swick from Shambhala Sun (2006)
On raising chickens: a conversation with Rudolph P. Byrd (2009).