What is the role of space exploration in the modern world? --
Humanity should begin planning for interstellar space travel / Nelson Bridwell --
NASA should continue to receive funding / CJ Miozzi --
NASA and the federal government waste taxpayer money / Douglas Cobb --
Space tourism needs an "orbital megabus" to truly lift off / Mark Johnson --
Space tourism is not worth the human risk / Adam Rogers --
Where in space should humans explore? --
Humans should colonize Mars / Louisa Preston --
Should we colonize the Moon? And how much would it cost? / Noah Davis --
Humans should resume exploring the Moon and outer space / Joseph Mascaro --
Humans should begin efforts to colonize Venus / Evan Ackerman --
What are the politics of space exploration? --
Private industry is the future of space exploration / Andrew L. Peek --
Privatized space exploration has disadvantages and benefits / Agence France-Presse --
The United States should reignite the space race / Erin Wallace --
The United States should invest in oceans before space / Michael Conathan --
China's space program threatens the United States / Yasmin Tadjdeh --
China's space program does not threaten the United States / Jaganath Sankaran --
What is the science behind space exploration? --
Nuclear power is the spacecraft fuel of the future / Rob Eubank --
Nuclear power in space is dangerous / Karl Grossman --
Life could exist elsewhere in the universe / Stephen Morgan --
Human hibernation could benefit space travel / Matt Williams --
Human hibernation can benefit space travel but presents numerous challenges / Mary Beth Griggs --
3-D printing could revolutionize space exploration in the near future / Dan Leone.