The Philosopher 2. Thomas Aquinas
The Angelic Doctor 3. Adam Smith
The Founder 4. Robert Malthus and David Ricardo
The Realist and the Theorist 5. John Stuart Mill
The Classical Liberal 6. Karl Marx
The Communist Visionary 7. William Stanley Jevons, Carl Menger and Léon Walras
Three Quiet Revolutionaries 8. Alfred Marshall
The Frail Master Craftsman 9. Joseph Schumpeter
Creator and Destroyer 10. John Maynard Keynes
The Last Amateur 11. Friedrich Hayek
A Very Different Type of Liberal 12. John von Neumann
The Most Brilliant Mathematician 13. Ronald Coase
The Placid Observer 14. Milton Friedman
The Monetarist 15. Paul Samuelson
The American Keynes? 16. Herbert Simon
The Social Scientific Realist 17. Thomas Schelling
The Storyteller 18. Robert Solow
Craftsman and Builder 19. Gary Becker
The Unwavering Imperialist 20. Elinor Ostrom
The Political Scientist 21. Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky
Two Psychologists 22. Robert Lucas
The Idealist 23. George Akerlof
The Borrower 24. Esther Duflo
The Experimenter Afterword Index