From the Book - First edtion.
Part one: Is there "life" before birth?. "Airplane crash on fire!" ; The case of James 3 ; Investigating cases of children with past-life memories / Jim B. Tucker, MD ; "The old me" / Cyndi Hammons ; Fifty-five verified memories --
Part two: To death and back again. The shoe on the ledge / Kimberly Clark Sharp, MSW ; Journeys out of body ; "Actual-death" experiences ; The NDE and nonlocal consciousness / Pim van Lommel, MD ; Intermission memories : life between lives ; End-of-life experiences / Peter Fenwick, MD --
Part three: Communications from nonlocal minds. My first "personal experiment" ; An almost perfect reading ; Research into mental mediumship / Julie Beischel, PhD ; How do they do it? ; Finding George ; Trance mediumship and drop-in communicators / Alan Gauld, PhD, DLitt ; Seeking the white crow ; After-death communications ; Interactive apparitions / Loyd Auerbach, MS --
Part four: The impossible made real. Human-generated phenomena ; From object movements to materialized hands ; Possible evidence of survival / Erlendur Haraldsson, PhD ; The enigma of full-form materializations ; My astonishing second "personal experiment" ; A life in two worlds / Stewart Alexander.