From the Book - First edition.
Cast yourself in the role you must play
Value courage over confidence
Congratulate the person who got "your" part
It's called a "play" for a reason
Turn your weaknesses into strengths
Dance like everyone's watching
Remember: The show must go on
Don't cross your arms when the director is talking
Take comfort that everyone is always starting over
Realize we're each the lead of our own life
The real work happens after opening night
Buy something physical to remember a big win
Figure out what kind of no it is
Forget your résumé. Polish your reputation
Let someone else take a bow
Be extra nice to the P.A.'s
Make stuff. Don't make fun of stuff
Create a new family from your cast
Recognize that life is like a musical
Clap loudest for the understudies
Give compliment sandwiches
Recover between performances
Recruit a friend to assess your audition outfit
Arrive a half hour before half-hour
Imagine your hero in the audience
Rehearse under emergency conditions
Be nice outside the audition room, too
Keep a photo of the worst gig you ever had
Don't review a show on-site
Forgive yourself for a bad performance
Reconnect with your inner theater kid
Write an aspirational Playbill bio
Try to name all of last year's Tony winners
Know that you're both irreplaceable and replaceable
Screw up onstage, but keep dancing
Life is not a dress rehearsal.