Part I. Poverty wages, we're not lovin' it: roots and branches of a global uprising
Brands of wage slavery, marks of labor solidarity
All we're asking for is a little respect
"We are workers, not slaves"
"I consider the union my second mother"
Hotel housekeepers go Norma Rae
United for respect: OUR Walmart and the uprising of retail workers
Supersize my wages: fast-food workers and the march of history
1911-2011: history and the global labor struggle
People Power movements in the twenty-first century
"You can't dismantle capitalism without dismantling patriarchy"
This is what solidarity feels like
Part II. The rising of the global precariat
Respect, let it go, 'cause baby, you're a firework
Realizing precarity: "We are all fast-food workers now"
The new civil rights movement
Counting victories, girding for an uphill struggle
Huelga de Hambre: hunger and hunger strikes rising
Social movement unionism and the souls of workers
"Stand up, live better": organizing for respect at Walmart
Part III. Garment workers' organizing in the age of fast fashion
"If people would think about us, we wouldn't die": beautiful clothes, ugly reality
How the rag trade went global
"Made with love in Bangladesh"
"We are not a pocket revolution": Bangladeshi garment workers since Rana Plaza
"A Khmer would rather work for free than work without dignity"
"After Pol Pot, we need a good life"
Consciousness-raising, Cambodia style
Filipina garment workers, organizing in the zone
Part IV. No rice without freedom, no freedom without rice: the global uprising of peasants and farmworkers
"No land no life": uprisings of the "landless"
"Agrarian reform in reverse": food crises, land grabs, and migrant labor
"Like the time of Cesar Chavez": strawberry fields exploitation forever
"What are we rising for?"
"These borders are not our borders"
After the colonizers, rICE
Part V. "They said it was impossible": local victories and transformative visions
"We can turn around the labor movement, we can rebuild power and we can win"
Big ideas, new models, small courtesies build a new world.