Prologue: A train of thought
Fourteen points of view. Part one. Peace and war. 1. The disciple as prophet: Thomas Woodrow Wilson
2. A man of the people: David Lloyd George
3. Aristocrat and soldier: Winston Spencer Churchill
4. How the Liberals started a world war
5. Goodbye to the Garden of Eden: John Maynard Keynes
6. Knight-errant of Progressivism: Franklin Delano Roosevelt
7. The British war effort: Churchill, Lloyd George, Keynes
8. The American way in warfare: Wilson and House
Part two. War and peace. 9. Agenda for the Hall of Mirrors: Clemenceau, Lloyd George, Wilson
10. The fourteen points in Paris: Wilson and Lloyd George
11. A Carthaginian peace? Keynes
12. Reparations and guilt: Lloyd George and Wilson
13. Further economic consequences: Keynes and Lloyd George
14. Second chances: Churchill, Roosevelt, Keynes
Epilogue: The legacies of war in the long run.