From the Book - Facsimile edition.
Biographical and introductory
A new system of alternating current motors and transformers
The Tesla rotating magnetic field
rotating field transformers
Modifications and expansions of the Tesla polyphase systems
Utilizing familiar types of generators of the continuous current type
Method of obtaining desired speed of motor or generator
Regulator for rotary current motors
Single circuit, self-starting synchronizing motors
Change from double current to single current motors
Motor with "current Lag" artificially secured
Another method of transformation from a torque to a synchronizing motor
Method of obtaining difference of phase by magnetic shielding
Type of Tesla single-phase motor
Motors with circuits of different resistance
Motor with equal magnetic energies in field and armature
Motors with coinciding maxima of magnetic effect in armature and field
Motor based on the difference of phase in the magnetization of the inner and outer parts of a iron core
Another type of Tesla induction motor
Combinations of synchronizing motor and torque motor
Motor with a condenser in the armature circuit
Tesla polyphase transformer
A constant current transformer with magnetic shield between coils of primary and secondary
The Tesla effects with high frequency and high potential currents. Introductory. The scope of the Tesla lectures
The New York lecture. Experiments with alternate currents of very high frequency, and their application to methods of artificial illumination, May 20, 1891
The London lecutre. Experiments with alternate currents of high potential and high frequency, February 3, 1892
The Philadelphia and St. Louis lecture. On light and other high frequency phenomena, February and March, 1893
Tesla alternating current generators for high frequency
Alternate current electrostatic induction appparatus
"Massage" with currents of high frequency
Electric discharge in vacuum tubes
Micellaneous inventions and writings. Method of obtaining direct from alternating currents
Condensers with plates in oil
Electrolytic registering meter
Thermo-magnetic motors and pyro-magnetic generators
Anit-sparking dynamo brush and commutator
Auxillary brush regulation of direct current dynamos
Improvement in dynamo and motor construction
Tesla direct current arc lighting system
Improvement in unipolar generators
Appendix: early phase motors and the tesla oscillators. Mr. Tesla's personal exhibit at the world's fair
The Tesla mechanical and electrical oscillators.