Introduction: Is self-help for broken people?
The lie : My work is who I am
The lie : The things that have worked are the things that will work
The lie : I have to have it all together
The lie : A drink will make this better
The lie : I did something wrong, so I am something wrong
The lie : Everyone is thinking about what I'm doing
The lie : Being right all the time doesn't make me an ass
The lie : Failure means you're weak
The lie : It's my job to protect them from problems
The lie : I can phone it in and be just fine
The lie : If she doesn't love me, I'm not lovable
The lie : Real men don't show emotion
The lie : I know what she needs
The lie : My role in this relationship is constant
The lie : If they don't need me, they won't want me
The lie : I know what you've been through
The lie : Things that are possible for other people aren't possible for me
The lie : I need to parent like my parents
The lie : I can achieve balance if I work hard enough
Conclusion: Stay out of your own way with intention and discipline.