From the Book - First edition.
Utopia is creepy : the best of Rough Type. The amorality of web 2.0 ; MySpace's vacancy ; The serendipity machine ; California kings ; The Wikipedian crackup ; Excuse me while I blog ; The metabolic thing ; Big trouble in Second Life ; Look at you! ; Digital sharecropping ; Steve's devices ; Twitter dot dash ; Ghosts in the code ; Go Ask Alice's avatar ; Long player ; Should the net forget? ; The means of creativity ; Vampires ; Behind the hedgerow, eating garbage ; The social graft ; Sexbot aces Turing test ; Looking into a see-through world ; Gilligan's web ; Complete control ; Everything that digitizes must converge ; Resurrection ; Rock-by-number ; Raising the virtual child ; The iPad Luddites ; Nowness ; Charlie bit my cognitive surplus ; Making sharing safe for capitalists ; The quality of allusion is not Google ; Situational overload and ambient overload ; Grand Theft attention ; Memory is the gravity of mind ; The medium is McLuhan ; Facebook's business model ; Utopia is creepy ; Spinelessness ; Future Gothic ; The hierarchy of innovation ; Rip, mix, burn, read ; Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful hologram ; Online, offline, and the line between ; Google Glass and Claude Glass ; Burning down the schoolhouse ; The ennui of the intelligent machine ; Reflections ; Will Gutenberg laugh last? ; The searchers ; Eternal sunshine of the spotless AI ; Max Levchin has plans for us ; Evgeny's little problem ; The shortest conversation between two points ; Home away from home ; Charcoal, shale, cotton, tangerine, sky ; Slumming with Buddha ; The quantified self at work ; My computer, my doppeltweeter ; Underwearables ; The bus ; The myth of the endless ladder ; The loom of the self ; Technology below and beyond ; Outsourcing Dad ; Taking measurement's measure ; Smartphones are hot ; Desperate scrapbookers ; Out of control ; Our algorithms, ourselves ; Twilight of the idylls ; The illusion of knowledge ; Wind-fucking ; The seconds are just packed ; Music is the universal lubricant ; Toward a unified theory of love ; <3s and minds ; In the kingdom of the bored, the one-armed bandit is king
The eunuch's children : essays and reviews. Flame and filament ; Is Google making us stupid? ; Screaming for quiet ; The dreams of readers ; Life, liberty, and the pursuit of privacy ; Hooked ; Mother Google ; The library of utopia ; The boys of Mountain View ; The eunuch's children ; Past-tense Pop ; The love that lays the swale in rows ; The Snapchat candidate ; Why robots will always need us ; Lost in the cloud ; The Daedalus mission.