MC14490 and software debouncing
Potentiometer input controls
More Pi inputs with 74HC165
More Pi outputs with 74HC595
MCP23017 I/O port extender
MPD/MPC hardware controls
At a Glance; Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Chapter 1: Introduction; Raspberry Pi 3 and Zero; Why GPIO Is Important; What to Purchase; Software to Download; Let's Begin; Chapter 2: 3V/5V Signal Interfacing; 7400 Series (TTL); 3.3V Logic; Voltage Dividers; 7400 Series Derivative Families; Unused CMOS Inputs; Converting 5V to 3V Input: 74LVC245; Converting 5V to 3V Input: 74LVC244; CD4049/CD4050; Input Protection Diodes; Converting 3 Volts to 5 Volts with the HCT Family; 74HCT245; 74HCT244; Switching Speed; Summary; Bibliography; Chapter 3: VGA LCD Monitors.
VGA ConvertersResolution and Refresh Rates; /boot/config.txt; Confirming Resolution; Summary; Bibliography; Chapter 4: I2C LCD Displays; LCD Module 1602A; I2C Serial Interface; I2C Module Configuration; I2C Module Output; I2C Module Input; PCF8574P Chip; 3 Volts to 5 Volts; Attaching the I2C Serial Module; Displaying Data; Reading from the LCD1602; Class LCD1602; I2C Baud Rate; Profit and Loss; Summary; Chapter 5: MC14490 and Software Debouncing; Hardware: MC14490; Chip Operation; Capacitor C1; Experiment; More Inputs; Software Debouncing; Experiment; Summary; Chapter 6: PCF8591 ADC.
The YL-40 PCBVoltage Range; I2C Bus; I2C Addresses; DAC (AOUT); Removing YL-40 LED D1; Hacking YL-40 I2C Address; I2C Bus Setup; Reading from PCF8591; Experiment; Writing to the DAC; Experiment; Experiment; Limitations; Extending Voltage Range; Repairing the Temp Sensor; Conversion to Celsius; Reading Temperature; Experiment; The YL-40 LDR; Experiment; 1N914 Experiment; Software; Potential Experiments; Summary; Bibliography; Chapter 7: Potentiometer Input Controls; Potentiometers; Voltage Dividers; ADC Circuit; Pot Resistance; Taper; Effect of ADC Bits; Experiment.
Applying Potentiometer ControlsSelection Resolution; Summary; Bibliography; Chapter 8: Rotary Encoders; Keyes KY-040 Rotary Encoder; The Switch; Operation; Voltage; Evaluation Circuit; Interfacing to the Pi; Experiment; Experiment; Sequence Errors; Experiment; FM Dial 1; FM Dial 2; Class Switch; Main Routine; Summary; Bibliography; Chapter 9: More Pi Inputs with 74HC165; 74HC165 Pinout; Function Table; Breadboard Experiment; Program; Logic Analyzer View; Profit and Loss; Even More Inputs; Other Bit Counts; Combining GPIOs; Chip Enable; CD4012B; Summary.
Chapter 10: More Pi Outputs with 74HC59574HC165 Pinout; Function Table; Breadboard Experiment; Experiment Run; Input and Output; Additional Outputs; Profit and Loss; Summary; Chapter 11: MCP23017 I/O Port Extender; MCP23017; Wiring; Output GPIO Experiment; Input Experiment; Software Operations; I2C Header Files; Opening the I2C Driver; I2C Write; I2C Read; Configuration; Interrupt Capability; Interrupt Profit and Loss; Summary; Chapter 12: MPD/MPC Hardware Controls; Audio Preparation; MPD/MPD; Hardware Setup; Test Volume Control; Test Rotary Control; Test LCD; The mpcctl Program; Main Program.