From the Book - 2nd edition.
Pt. 1. Vital statistics about statistics : Statistics in a nutshell ; The statistics of everyday life ; Taking control : so many numbers, so little time ; Tools of the trade
Pt. 2. Number-crunching basics : Means, medians, and more ; Getting the picture : graphing categorical data ; Going by the numbers : graphing numerical data
Pt. 3. Distributions and the central limit theorem : Random variables and the binomial distribution ; The normal distribution ; The t-distribution ; Sampling distributions and the central limit theorem
Pt. 4. Guesstimating and hypothesizing with confidence : Leaving room for a margin of error ; Confidence intervals : making your best guesstimate ; Claims, tests, and conclusions ; Commonly used hypothesis tests : formulas and examples
Pt. 5. Statistical studies and the hunt for a meaningful relationship : Polls, polls, and more polls ; Experiments : medical breakthroughs or misleading results? ; Looking for links : correlation and regression ; Two-way tables and independence
Pt. 6. The part of tens : Ten tips for the statistically savvy sleuth ; Ten surefire exam score boosters.