Section 1: Managing Your Headaches
1- Introduction: Why Is Headache So Important?
2- Pain, Disability, and Stigma in Persons with Headache
3- Classification and Diagnosis of Headache
5- Headaches Requiring Urgent Medical Attention
Section 2: Primary Headache Disorders
6- Migraine: Causes and Triggers
7- Treating Migraine with Medication
8- Alternative and Behavioral Treatments for Migraine
10- Managing the Conditions That Often Coexist with Migraine
11- Tension-Type Headache
13- Unusual Primary Headaches
Section 3: Secondary Headaches and Neuralgias
14- Sinus Headache and Nasal Disease
15- Disorders of the Neck
16- Post-Traumatic Headache
18- Atypical Facial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorder
Appendix 1- Tests That May Help Patients With Headache
Appendix 2- Resources for Patients with Headache Disorders
About the American Academy of Neurology