From the Book - First edition.
Part one: Toxins in the permafrost and heat rising all around. Chapter one: The afterlife of pathogens
Chapter two: An old house and an infrared light
Chapter three: An American untouchable
Part two: The arbitrary construction of human divisions. Chapter four: A long-running play and emergence of caste in America
Chapter five: "The Container We Have Built for You"
Chapter six: The measure of humanity
Chapter seven: Through the fog of Delhi to the parallels in India and America
Chapter eight: The Nazis and the acceleration of caste
Chapter nine: The Evil of Silence
Part three: The eight pillars of caste. The foundations of caste: The Origins of Our Discontents
Pillar number one: Divine will and the laws of nature
Pillar number two: Heritability
Pillar number three: Endogamy and the control of marriage and mating
Pillar number four: Purity versus pollution
Pillar number five: Occupational hierarchy: The Jatis and the Mudsill
Pillar number six: Dehumanization and stigma
Pillar number seven: Terror as enforcement, cruelty as a means of control
Pillar number eight: Inherent superiority versus inherent inferiority
Part four: The tentacles of caste. Brown eyes versus blue eyes
Chapter ten: Central miscasting
Chapter eleven: Dominant group status threat and the precarity of the highest rung
Chapter twelve: A scapegoat to beat the sins of the world
Chapter thirteen: The insecure Alpha and the purpose of an underdog
Chapter fourteen: The intrusion of caste in everyday life
Chapter fifteen: The urgent necessity of a bottom rung
Chapter sixteen: Last place anxiety: Packed in a flooding basement
Chapter seventeen: On the early front lines of caste
Chapter eighteen: Satchel Paige and the illogic of caste
Part five: The consequences of caste. Chapter nineteen: The Euphoria of Hate
Chapter twenty: The inevitable narcissism of caste
Chapter twenty-one: The German girl with the dark, wavy hair
Chapter twenty-two: The Stockholm Syndrome and the survival of the subordinate caste
Chapter twenty-three: Shock troops on the borders of hierarchy
Chapter twenty-four: Cortisol, telomeres and the lethality of caste
Part six: Backlash, Chapter twenty-five: A change in the script
Chapter twenty-six: Turning point and the resurgence of caste
Chapter twenty-seven: The symbols of caste
Chapter twenty-eight: Democracy on the ballot
Chapter twenty-nine: The price we pay for a caste system
Part seven: Awakening. Chapter thirty: Shedding the sacred thread
The Radicalization of the Dominant Caste
Chapter thirty-one: The heart is the last frontier
Epilogue: A world without caste.