From the Audiobook on CD - Library edition.
Part 1. On reading the book of Genesis --
Genesis 1, the first creation story --
Genesis 2-3, the second creation story --
An overview of ancient Israelite history --
The JEDP theory and alternative approaches --
Genesis 6-8, the flood story --
Genesis 12-22, the Abraham story --
When and where did Abraham live? --
Genesis 21-22, Abraham put to the test --
Part 2. Genesis 24, a bride for Isaac --
The barren woman and the younger son --
The literary structure for Genesis --
Different Bible translations --
Genesis 27, Jacob and Esau --
Genesis 29, Jacob and Rachel --
The date of the book of Genesis --
Genesis 37, Joseph and his brothers --
Genesis 38, the story of Judah and Tamar --
Genesis 39, the story of Potiphar's wife --
The Egyptian background of the Joseph story --
One last text, and the text as a whole.