I: Winners and losers: The gramophone ; Barbed wire ; Seller feedback ; Google search ; Passports ; Robots ; The welfare state
II: Reinventing how we live. Infant formula ; TV dinners ; The Pill ; Video games ; Market research ; Air-conditioning ; Department stores
III: Inventing new systems. The dynamo ; The shipping container ; The bar code ; The cold chain ; Tradable debt and the tally stick ; The Billy bookcase ; The elevator
IV: Ideas about ideas. Cuneiform ; Public-key cryptography ; Double-entry bookkeeping ; Limited liability companies ; Management consulting ; Intellectual property ; The compiler
V: Where do inventions come from?. The iPhone ; Diesel engines ; Clocks ; Chemical fertilizer ; Radar ; Batteries ; Plastic
VI: The visible hand. The bank ; Razors and blades ; Tax havens ; Leaded gasoline ; Antibiotics in farming ; M-Pesa ; Property registers
VII: Inventing the wheel. Paper ; Index funds ; The S-bend ; Paper money ; Concrete ; Insurance
Conclusion: Looking forward