From the Book - First edition.
Hungry as a bear: the Soviet counteroffensive begins
Dodging the Soviet bullet: Army Group Centre holds
Between the hammer and the anvil: Army Group Centre Between Hitler and Stalin
Keeping the wolf from the door: the panzer groups retreat from Moscow
Digging in his heels: Hitler orders a halt
Put to the sword: the end of Brauchitsch
The bear without any claws: the inadequate Red Army
The battle of nerves: Army Group Centre on the brink
The more the merrier: Christmas 1941 and the supply crisis
Playing with fire: Guderian gets burned
Turning the screws: Ninth Army's near collapse
Rank and file: soldiering in Army Group Centre
Reinforcing failure: Stalin's January offensive
Hanging in the balance: Fourth Army's impending encirclement
The flood gates are breaking: Ninth and Fourth Panzer Armies rupture
Making a virtue of necessity: surviving the Russian winter
Defending the indefensible: Hitler's last stand
Lonely front: embattled homeland
Retreat and counterattack: Army Group Centre rebounds
Departing the Eastern Front: treacherous routes of escape
The last hurrah: the failure of the Soviet Winter Offensive