Machine generated contents note: The Entries, A
Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus Africanus, Publius
Cornelius Scipio Africanus, Publius
Cornelius Sulla Felix, Lucius
Etruscan Wars, Causes of the
Etruscan Wars, Consequences of the
Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, Quintus
Julius Caesar Octavianus, Gaius
Legion, Manipular/Polybian.
Contents note continued: Legionary Commanders
Licinius Lucullus, Lucius
Punic Wars, Causes of the
Punic Wars, Consequences of the
Quinctius Flamininus, Titus
Sempronius Gracchus, Gaius
Sempronius Gracchus, Tiberius
Slaves and Camp Followers
Contents note continued: Vipsanius Agrippa, Marcus
1. Polybius, Organization of a Manipular Legion
2. Polybius, Setting up a Roman Fort
3. Polybius on Punishments, Rewards, and Pay
4. Polybius, Treatment of Spoils and Booty
5. Polybius, Prelude to Cannae, the Battle of the Trebia River
6. Polybius, The Disaster
7. Polybius, Roman Siege I, Capture of Carthago Nova
8. Polybius, Victory at the Battle of Zama
9. Polybius, Revenge at the Battle of Cynoscephalae
10. Polybius, Macedonian Phalanx versus the Roman Legion
11. Livy, A Centurion's Long Career
12. Caesar, Cohort Legion in Combat
13. Plutarch, Rome versus Parthia at the Battle of Carrhae
14. Caesar, Roman Siege II, Capture of Massilia
15. Caesar, Roman versus Roman, Battle of Pharsalus
16. Galba, Roman versus Roman, Battle of Mutina
17. Appian, An End of Discipline during Civil War.