Introduction: Get Your Career on Track
Part One: Take Charge of Your Career
Step 1: Establish Your Lifelong-Learning Mindset
Step 2: Find the Right Career Path
Step 3: Design Your Personal Development Plan
Part Two: Skills for Career Success
Skill 1: Exhibit a Growth Mindset
Skill 2: Create a Personal Development Strategy
Skill 3: Learn from Experience
Skill 4: Accept and Act on Feedback
Skill 5: Optimize Formal Learning Opportunities
Skill 6: Show Self-Awareness
Skill 7: Exhibit Career Ambition
Skill 8: Understand Personal Style
Skill 9: Improve Weaknesses
Skill 10: Display Self-Confidence
Skill 11: Practice Resiliency
Skill 12: Communicate Clearly
Skill 13: Give and Receive Feedback
Skill 14: Influence, Persuade, and Negotiate
Skill 15: Speak in Public
Skill 16: Write Proficiently
Skill 17: Build and Manage Relationships
Skill 18: Collaborate with Others
Skill 19: Appreciate People and Differences
Skill 20: Resolve Conflict
Skill 21: Network with Others
Skill 22: Maintain Composure
Skill 23: Exhibit Self-Control
Skill 27: Practice Political Savvy
Skill 28: Exhibit a Professional Image
Skill 29: Advocate for Self
Skill 30: Adapt to Situations
Skill 31: Model Corporate Expectations
Planning and Prioritizing
Skill 35: Practice Systems Thinking
Skill 36: Plan and Organize Tasks
Skill 39: Demonstrate Problem-Solving Ability
Skill 40: Manage Projects
Skill 41: Attend to Details
Skill 42: Make Key Decisions
Skill 45: Demonstrate Business Acumen
Skill 46: Promote the Organization's Vision and Values
Skill 47: Initiate Process Improvement
Skill 48: Champion and Manage Change
Skill 49: Practice Creativity, Innovation, and Appropriate Risk Taking
Skill 50: Market, Sell, and Develop Business
Skill 51: Exhibit Technology, Analytics, and Data Knowledge
Part Three: Crossing the Finish Line
Challenge 1: Build Character
Challenge 2: Don't Allow Your Career to Run Amok
Challenge 3: Managers Support Employee Development
Part Four: Support for the Race: Tools and Activities
Balancing Career and Life Goals
Individual Development Plan
My Career Development Plan