Act I. Behind the scenes in a sundered country: the Nazis set the stage in the European Theater
Introducing the Fuhrer, Joseph Goebbels, and Heinrich Himmler
The road to the Third Reich
From choric theater to party rally
From party rally to German cinema
Act II. Curtain going up : the lion roars
The home front: to the airwaves
A counter-message gets through
The British rewrite the German script
Two British radio stations
Act III. Point/counterpoint : dramatic conflict
Roosevelt and the isolationists
Churchill and Roosevelt write the script backstage
The Nazi counter-message to America
FDR and a platoon of poets
The American "patriotic" press responds!
War comes to America's movie theaters
On the road with Wild Bill Donovan
Act IV. Before the final curtain
The Allies launch a crusade
Stalingrad compels a revision of the Nazi script
Miscues and misinterpretations of the Allied script
The end of the beginning.