Mycah's parents didn't get a vote / Max Brooks
A house to be feared / Jon Klug
Fear or love : insights from Machiavelli for those that seek the iron Throne / Liam Collins
The source of Tyrion Lannister's unlikely survival and success / Joe Byerly
The mother of dragons : defiant leadership for uncertain times / Rick Montcalm
Lessons for command from Khaleesi's rise / Erica Iverson
From Brienne of Tarth to Lyanna Mormont : shifting attitudes about women in combat / Kelsey Cipolla
You know something, Jon Snow, about the qualities of a strategic leader / P.W. Singer and ML Cavanaugh
The lessons of Viserion and technological advantage / Jonathan E. Czarnecki
Game of pwns : Baelish and Varys as drivers of modern conflict / Nina Kollars
WMD in Westeros and beyond / Magnus Nordenman
The influence of seapower on Westeros / Michael Junge
Winning the waves : seapower and the Seven Kingdoms / Bryan McGrath
What the walls of Westeros teach us about war and warfare / John Spencer
Siege warfare in the Seven Kingdoms / Lionel Beehner, Benedetta Berti, and Mike Jackson
Dragons, Dothraki, and achieving victory in battle / Mick Cook
The wildlings at the wall : when climate drives conflict / J. Daniel Batt
Shock and chaos : psychological weapons of war in Westeros and our world / Gregory Drobny
How to fight the Lannister Armies / Josh Powers and Jonathan Bott
Becoming no-one : human intelligence in the Seven Kingdoms / Andrea Goldstein
The Battle of the Bastards and the importance of the reserve / Jessica Ward
The myth of the accidental strategist / Steve Leonard
Why the Westerosi can't win wars / Chuck Bies
Strategic storytelling in Game of thrones / Jaym Gates
Resources, war, and the Night King's deadly arithmetic / Andy Hill
The Red Wedding and the power of norms / Theresa Hitchens
Daenerys Targaryen's coalitions for war / Mick Ryan
Arya Stark's targeted killing and strategic decision-making / Craig Whiteside
Ned Stark, hero of the Seven Kingdoms, and why the good guys win (in the end) / ML Cavanaugh
White walkers and the nature of war / Paul Scharre
Epilogue : down from the citadel, off of the wall / ML Cavanaugh.