Introduction / by Paul Buhle
SDS highlights / by Harvey Pekar ; art by Gary Dumm
White boy narrative / by Mark Naison ; art by Gary Dumm
My life in SDS / by Penelope Rosemont ; art by Gary Dumm
"Fill-in" LeBlanc / by Paul LeBlanc and Paul Buhle ; art by Gary Dumm
It's a long way to Hazard / story and art by Nick Thorkelson
Cleveland ERAP project / by Alan Wald and Harvey Pekar ; art by Gary Dumm
Join Chicago / by Harvey Pekar ; art by Summer McClinton
I ain't marchin' anymore / by John Pietro ; art by Gary Dumm from layouts by John Pietro
The Heather Tobias Booth story / by Heather Tobias Booth and Paul Buhle ; art by Gary Dumm from layouts by Gene Booth
Austin stories, part one / by Marianne Wizard, Alice Embree, and Harvey Pekar ; art by Gary Dumm
Vignettes from New Orleans / by Eric Gordon and Harvey Pekar ; art by Gary Dumm
More love / by Paul Buhle ; art by Gary Dumm
My life at stake / by Paul Buhle ; art by Gary Dumm
Madison strike riot / by Paul Buhle ; art by Gary Dumm
Remembering 1968 / by F. Perlman and Paul Buhle ; art by Gary Dumm
Chicago 1968 / story and art by Josh Brown
The SDS magazine / by Paul Buhle ; art by Gary Dumm
Iowa SDSs story / by David Roheim and Harvey Pekar ; art by Gary Dumm
A children's revolution / story and art by James D. Cennamo
Turn your chairs around / by Max Elbaum and Harvey Pekar ; art by Gary Dumm
Austin stories - part two / by Marianne Wizard, Alice Embree and Harvey Pekar ; art by Gary Dumm
With SDSer Michael Balter at UCLA and in the army / by Michael Balter and Harvey Pekar ; art by Gary Dumm
Kent State / by Harvey Pekar ; art by Wes Modes
Weathermen / story and art by Wes Modes
Saving the archives / by Paul Buhle ; art by Gary Dumm
Adventures in participatory democracy / by Sandy Lillydahl ; art by Gary Dumm
SDS revived / by Bruce Rubenstein and Paul Buhle ; art by Ed Piskor