Introduction / Theodora Goss --
An Egyptian cigarette / Kate Chopin --
The singer ; All hallows night / Lizette Woodworth Reese --
Luella Miller / Mary Wilkins Freeman --
The witch ; The white women ; The other side of a mirror / Mary Coleridge --
Dionea / Vernon Lee (Violet Paget) --
The dryads / A. Mary F. Robinson --
The white witch ; The changeling / Olive Custance --
Man-size in marble / E. Nesbit --
The love-talker ; Niamh / Ethna Carbery (Anne MacManus) ; The princess Baladina, her adventure / Willa Cather --
The watcher in the woods ; The white witch / Dora Sigerson Shorter --
Bewitched / Edith Wharton --
The farmer's bride ; The changeling / Charlotte New --
The yellow wallpaper / Charlotte Perkins Gilman --
Ballad the bird-bridge ; The orchard of the moon / Rosamund Marriott Watson --
A white night / Charlotte Mew --
A drowned girl to her lover ; Hertha / Nora Hopper Chesson --
The hermit and the wild woman / Edith Wharton --
Nymphs ; The children of lir / Katherine Tynan --
The princess and the hedge-pig / E. Nesbit --
A castle in the air ; The mermaid's chapel / May Kendall --
A ballad of victory / Dollie Radford --
When I was a witch / Charlotte Perkins Gilman --
Atavism ; The fairy goldsmith ; Madman's song / Elinor Wylie --
A haunted house / Virginia Woolf --