Introduction : Architecture's expanded field
Shed to rails: the dominion of steel
The search for modern form
Domestic innovation and tectonic expression
American rediscovered, tall and wide
The challenge of the metropolis
New production, new aesthetic
In search of a language: from classicism to Cubism
The Great War and its side effects
Expressionism in Weimar Germany and the Netherlands
Dada, De Stijl, and Mies: from subversiveness to elementarism
Architectural education in turmoil
Architecture and revolution in Russia
The architecture of social reform
Internationalization, its networks and spectacles
Futurism and rationalism in Fascist Italy
The spectrum of classicisms and traditionalisms
North American modernities
Functionalism and machine aesthetics
Modern languages conquer the world
COlonial experiences and new nationalism
Architecture of a total war
Tabula rasa to horror vacui: reconstruction and renaissance
The fatal crisis of the modern movement and the alternatives
Le Corbusier reinvented and reinterpreted
The shape of American hegemony
Repression and diffusion of modernism
Between elitism and populism: alternative architecture
After 1968: architecture for the city
From regionalism to critical internationalism
The neo-futurist optimism of high tech
Architecture's outer boundaries