Pre-classical economics. Aristotle ; St. Thomas Aquinas ; Ibn Kaldhun ; Thomas Mun ; John Locke ; Economics and the economy ; David Hume
Classical economics. William Petty ; Richard Cantillon ; François Quesnay ; Adam Smith ; Money and finance ; Thomas Malthus ; David Ricardo ; John Stuart Mill ; Karl Marx
Neoclassical economics. Competition ; Piero Sraffa ; Alfred Marshall ; W. Stanley Jevons ; Leon Walrus ; Carl Menger ; Say's law ; Knut Wicksell ; Irving Fisher ; John Hicks ; Paul Samuelson ; Milton Friedman ; Friedrich Hayek ; Robert Mundell
Keynesian economics. Growth theory ; John Maynard Keynes ; Don Patinkin ; Joan Robinson ; Joseph E. Stiglitz ; Uncertainty and information ; Abba Lerner ; Nicholas Kaldor ; James Buchanen ; Robert Eisner ; Alan Greenspan ; Edmund Phelps ; Paul Krugman
Historical and institutional economics. Consumer behavior ; Gustav von Schmoller ; Georg Friedrich Kapp ; Robert L. Heilbroner ; Peter Kropotkin ; Thorstein Veblen ; Business cycle theory ; Karl Wilhelm Kapp ; John Kenneth Galbraith ; Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Development economics. Simon Kuznets ; Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen ; Economic development ; Joseph Schumpeter ; Wassily Leontief ; Amartya Sen.