Part 1. Typical aging vs. dementia. What's typical and what's not ; Mid cognitive impairment ; What is dementia? Getting an accurate dementia diagnosis
Part 2. Alzheimer's disease. The science of Alzheimer's disease ; Diagnosing Alzheimer's disease ; Atypical and young-onset Alzheimer's dementia ; Treating Alzheimer's disease
Part 3. Causes of dementia other than Alzheimer's. Frontotemporal degeneration ; Lewy body dementia ; Vascular cognitive impairment
Part 4. Living a full life with dementia. Addressing the stigmas ; Adjusting to a diagnosis ; Road map toward well-being ; Planning for the end of life
Part 5. Life as a care partner. Who are caregivers ; Overcoming the challenges ; Road map toward well-being
Part 6. Brain health for everyone. Healthy aging ; Research and trends.