Inferno / Alessandro Manzetti
Höllenlegion / Jonathan Maberry
They call me mother / Geneve Flynn
Old monsters never die / Tim Waggoner
She-creature from the golden cove / John Palisano
Blood hunt / Owl Goingback
Mummy calls / Simon Bestwick
The viscount and the Phantom / Lucy A. Snyder
Modern monsters / Monique Snyman
Beautiful monster / JG Faherty
The nightbird / Michael Knost
Give me your hand / David Surface
A tale of wickedness / Kelsea Yu
Something borrowed / Lindy Ryan
Moonlight serenade / Gaby Triana
Dead lions / Richard Christian Matheson - Mai Doon Izahn / Gary A. Braunbeck
Hacking the Horseman's code / Lisa Morton
The Invisible Man: the fire this time / Maurice Broaddus
Diminished seventh / Sean Eads & Joshua Viola
You can have the ground, my love / Carlie St. George
The picture of Doriana Gray / Mercedes M. Yardley
Make the blood go where it wants / Alessandro Manzetti
Da noise, da funk, da Blob / Linda D. Addison
"Can" doesn't mean "should" / Seanan McGuire
Enter, the dragon / Leverett Butts & Dacre Stoker
Someone to blame / Ramsey Campbell
God of the razor / Joe R. Lansdale.