On the hero's quest / Robert A. Segal --
Critical contexts : Theories of myth / Robert A. Segal ; Wolfram's Parzival considered through a Kierkegaardian lens / Eric Ziolkowski ; Romancing the quest: quest narratives in changing contexts / Jeremy M. Downes ; Modernist quests: Heart of darkness and The man who died / Michael Bell --
Critical readings : Quests for immortality and identity: The epic of Gilgamesh and The odyssey / Katherine C. King ; Virgil's The aeneid and the ambivalence of Aeneas's heroic quest / Eric Sandberg ; The hero's quest in Beowulf / James B. Kelley ; The chivalric quest: Sir Gawain and the green knight / Anthony Adams ; Dante's quest and the sublimation of heroic combat in The divine comedy / Matthew Bolton ; The bildungsroman as quest narrative: Great expectations and Jane Eyre / Victoria Williams ; Varied and conflicting quests in Melville's Moby-Dick: the nine "gams" / Robert C. Evans ; One for all: the fantasy quest in The hobbit, The wizard of Oz, and His dark materials / Stephen W. Potts ; Chatwin's postmodern quest: In Patagonia / Simon Cooke.