Seeing the systems in biology: technological advances are letting scientists understand living things in a new way
Déjà vu all over again: the common patterns and principles of natural systems
America's next top mathematical model: understanding complex systems sometimes requires math
Ignoring the devil in the details: robustness, prediction, noise, and the general properties of systems
Part II. Cells, organisms, and ecosystems
Beyond Tom Hanks's nose: sequencing technology is enabling scientists to study all of a cell's genes at once
The smells of the father: RNA, DNA margin notes, and the other missing parts of the cellular system
Growing pains: how cells and tissues coordinate development, from egg to adulthood
No organism is an island: the interactions between individuals and species that shape ecosystems
Build me a buttercup: using synthetic biology to make diesel fuel, programmable cells, and malaria medicine
More than just 86 billion neurons: the science of the brain, and how connections among neurons make it work
Death and taxes: aging is governed by an organism-wide system that we might be able to manipulate
Your microbiome and you: the body is host to trillions of microbes that affect human health
This is your system on drugs: tweaking biological systems to produce better medical treatments..