1. The Origins of Conflict
3. Egypt, Assyria, Persia
8. Imperial Rome and Its Fall
13. The Mongols and Timur
14. Early Japanese Warfare
15. Warfare in the New World to 1500
17. Australasian and Oceanic Warfare
19. The New-style Fortress
20. Naval Reach Transforms the World, 1400-1763
22. The Ottoman Powerhouse
23. Japan and China Clash
24. The Age of Fighting Sail, 1588-1827
25. China, Russia and the End of the Steppe
26. The Collapse of European Control in the New World, 1775-1825
28. Wars within the West, 1816-1913
29. Nineteenth-century Imperialism
30. China from Crisis to Consolidation, 1839-1949
35. Wars of Decolonisation
36. Conflict Since the Cold War
38. The Confrontations of Major Powers
39. Theorists of Military History